Sunday, March 13, 2016

African Wind On The Horizon!

The distance between Africa and black history is felt on my skin
A nudge in my brain..
telling me how long the distance, the history.

In Kenya there is a people who has expanded its economic and educational base for their children
with the help of the Gwassi Kenya Project. Education opens lives and minds while building futures.
Visit the Bunny sim to support the future of the Lu people and their children. The bunny sim has snap shots of the life and changes happening in this isolated village. Loredana Loring created the life so you can see,

Hunt Poster from Bunny sim

In the gulf of the south (Between Georgia and South Carolina) is Gullah Gullah Island.
The traditions of west Africa managed to live on despite of slavery.
It's alive today as it was in the 1700s. Visit the Gullah Gullah sim for a great history lesson created by Indea Vaher.

Photos from Gullah Gullah Island sim

Photos from the bunny sim

Come join the hunt and support the growth of a people.

Fashion Credits:

The outfit (dress, headdress, necklace) I have on can be found at the Bunny sim hunt 1L.
Hair Base is Vashty
Bracelet from Soedara
Eye diamonds from deesses
Makeup from deesses